Quotes From "The Big Green Tent" By Lyudmila Ulitskaya

Form is what transforms the content of a work into its essence. Do you understand? The character of music arises out of its form like steam from water, ’ Yury Andreevich said. ‘With solid understanding of the general laws of form, which encompass all that is amenable to formulation, one can, by groping further, perceive the individual, the particular. Then, subtracting the general, one can sense a residue where wonder lurks in its purest, most undiluted form. Herein lies the goal of theory: the more fully one grasps what is available for comprehension, the more intensely the ineffable shines. Lyudmila Ulitskaya
Maybe it was true that only beauty would save the world, or truth, or some other high-flown garbage; but fear was still more powerful than anything else. Fear destroyed everything: everything born of beauty, the tender shoots of all that was fine, wise, eternal... Lyudmila Ulitskaya
He had understood long ago that the past was no...
He had understood long ago that the past was no better than the present. That was as plain as day. One had to try to escape, to wrestle free from every era, so as not to be devoured by it. Lyudmila Ulitskaya
... we live in a society of larvae--immature human beings, adolescents disguised as adults. Lyudmila Ulitskaya